
Bouquet Subscriptions

"I must have flowers always and always." - Claude Monet

Fresh flowers with their buds opening and their fragrance drifting through the air bring beauty, charm, and color to any home. They lift the spirit and brighten a room and remind us that life can be beautiful. If you would like to add flowers to your life or as a gift to someone special, Bear Creek Blossoms offers bouquet subscriptions delivered to your doorstep each week from spring until fall.

We create all our mixed bouquets by hand, using seasonal flowers freshly picked from our farm. Our bouquets are fragrant and lush, with a romantic cottage-garden look. Grown in Wallowa, Oregon, our flowers are naturally-grown using no-till farming practices and by enriching the soil with manure, compost, straw, and other natural amendments. Happy soil = happy flowers!

Please click on the "Learn More" link below for ordering information.

Subscribers receive one large, mixed premium bouquet of seasonal flowers and foliage per week.

Our subscriptions are similar to a CSA that is paid in full before the season starts. Once payment is received, we will notify you by email a week before the first delivery. Deliveries are free to Wallowa, Lostine, Enterprise, and Joseph; these will be contactless, with bouquets dropped off at your front door on Thursday of each week. If you will be gone, please provide a vase or bucket filled with water so we can leave your bouquet in it until you are able to retreive it. If you live outside the city limits, there will be a delivery fee if your residence is off Highway 82, or we can arrange an in town drop-off location. If you are away at any time during your subscription period, please consider giving your bouquet as a gift to someone who will appreciate it as much as you do.

Photos courtesy of TLV Photography and Dawn Highberger unless otherwise noted.

If you have questions please contact Dawn at .